Top tips from flooring expert Ecora on how to maintain your floorboards
Looking after your floorboards should start from the moment they are installed at your home. Keeping your floor looking healthy, clean and like brand new, the process of maintaining is as easy as applying a finishing layer of oil on to your boards and ensuring that appropriate cleaning products are used.
Ecora, longstanding experts in both high-end and affordable floorboards as well as being the home to a wide range of home accessories, give expert advice on the best way to look after your flooring to keep it looking as good as brand new.
The following is a breakdown of things to consider:
Wooden floor finishes
In line with our ethos to promote sustainable and natural products we tend to recommend natural oil for maintaining your floor. Usually, those oils tend to be based on vegetable oils and natural waxes, they penetrate through the wood for long-lasting protection, while also preserving its beauty and elasticity.
Oak Hampstead Grey (from £88.85)
Protect the surface of your floor
The simplest way to maintain your floor is to keep it clean and prevent objects from scratching it. Whether it’s the dog or large furniture, rugs are extremely handy when preventing abrasion, and can also add extra chic to your humble abode. Doormats at entryways help to prevent sand, grit, oils, dirt and other abrasive or staining materials from making its way into your home and potentially damaging the floor. To avoid scratches when re-arranging furniture use protective pads on objects such as chairs or tables or anything that is placed directly on the floor’s surface.
An appropriate cleaning regime
Make sure you ask for a specific type of mop and cleaning solution that is compatible for your floor. It is recommended not to use high street general purpose floor cleaners that may contain salts and bleaches that will impair the finish of your wooden floor. Frequent vacuuming is always good to draw household dust away safely but it’s best to vacuum along the grain if possible and be aware of potential damage if dragging a wheeled vacuum cleaner.
Oak Waterside White (from £74.55)
Keeping the correct humidity
Hardwood flooring reacts to changes in the environment so it is important to ensure that environmental conditions are maintained with a temperature of 18°- 24°C (65°-75°F) and humidity at 35 - 55% at all times. Excessive humidity, moisture, heat, or dry conditions can result in cupping or splitting of boards, gapping between boards and/or other problems resulting from exposure to improper environmental conditions, which are usually not covered by the product warranty.
Colour consistency
Hardwood flooring will undergo a natural change in colour over time. The degree of colour change varies by species; it is recommended that you do not place area rugs and large furniture items on a new wooden floor for at least two months following installation to ensure a uniform change. After that, periodic re-arrangement of furniture and area rugs will help ensure natural even change.
Oak Hampstead Brown Chevron (from £139.85)