Ecora, the eco paint and natural flooring specialist, launches exciting new VOC-Free Paint range.
Ecora continues its commitment to providing customers with sustainable and ecologically friendly products and has recently launched a new range of child-safe, eco-friendly and completely VOC-free paint. The carefully selected range of colours comes in two different finishes and is available to purchase online through http://www.ecora.co.uk/shop/eco_paints.php.
When choosing paint, people look for a wide choice of colours, quality and price, and have a range of mass-market and specialist suppliers to choose from. But few people are aware of the chemical composition in the can and the impact this will have on the environment and the air quality in their homes.
As consumers, we do not always think about the strength and variety of toxins we breathe in daily while indoors. Indoor air can, in fact, be three times as polluted as that outdoors. The US Environmental Protection Agency considers indoor air pollution to be one of the top 5 hazards to human health.
Although other toxins exist, the main culprits are a range of chemicals known as volatile organic compounds (VOCs). VOCs comprise hundreds of natural and man-made, carbon-based agents. They react quickly with other carbon-based compounds, and evaporate easily, making them ideal solvents. VOCs can be found in paints, cleaning products, disinfectants, pesticides, paints and other home decoration products.
Ecoras natural VOC-Free paints provide the healthiest living environment while offering great style and colour selection. The carefully selected range of colours provide a wide pallet of choice for both internal and external decorating.