Potting Shed Chic
OK, so the good weather may have gone to our heads but we are simply loving the Garden Shed Chic look at the moment. So many of our products can be used both inside the home and outside in the garden and our customers seem really taken with our 'useful yet beautiful' every-day items.
This summer why not incorporate a little potting shed chic into your home. Mixing and matching original pieces with interesting contemporary designs will give your home a nostalgic feel. Combine rustic storage and vintage gardening accessories to add a quirky touch to your kitchen, utility or cloakroom room. London based natural Home store ‘Ecora’ stock a variety of nostalgic products from one-off heritage pieces of furniture through to everyday items that have an urban rustic appeal.
Captions: Assorted Vegetable Gardener's Soap £6.50, Mango and Carrot Seed Hand Cream £19, Washable Paper Storage Sacks from £19, Traditional Wood Scrubbing Brush £18, Linen string and Vintage Wood Scissors and Stand £32, Aged Plant Pot Set of Three £20.