2014 Interiors Trends
Wow, another year nearly over and so many developments have taken place here at Ecora. We have seen the successful launch of Ecora Home - our natural furnishings range, the introduction of many new flooring products and the revamp of our showrooms. Whilst this year was hectic 2014 looks set to be another exciting year full of change and business growth. Our luxury wood flooring collection has really taken off and interior designers and architects are asking us to develop more 'bespoke' finishes for high end projects which is great news. On the other end of the scale our 'basics' range of natural wood flooring is proving popular with homeowners. In 2014 we envisage an increase in demand for parquet and decorative block flooring and also for light, white and nordic style finishes. Combining vintage and contemporary features works really well and Ecora's customers often mix and match modern and retro furnishings for an individual quirky style. New season's designs include vintage kitchen tables, simple storage shelves, nostalgic canvass trolleys and utilitarian aluminum trunks. So if you are looking for ideas to steal for next year we say think 'urban rustic' and you won't go far wrong.
Wishing all our customers and friends a wonderful Christmas from the Ecora team x